a tender beef and chicken specialty with a particularly high proportion of high-quality animal nutrients for everyday...
Feinsten Adult means balanced, delicious and healthy nutrition at the highest level for adult cats aged 1-6 years,...
high-quality pate Von Feinsten CORE with turkey, beef and carrots for adult cats of all breeds composition: 57% meat...
quality and easily digestible veterinary food for cats used in diets beef pate suitable for cats with glass...
complete food for cats over 7 years of age, composition: meat and animal products (20% duck, 8% lamb), minerals com...
pate with chicken liver: special food for cats with diabetes Special veterinary diet for cats diagnosed with diabetes...
turkey meat in tomato sauce is a tasty and complete food for adult cats without grains, composition: 42% meat and...
ANIMONDA pate for neuters is a balanced and high-quality diet for neutered cats and dogs who really enjoy d...
dietary veterinary food specially developed for cats suffering from acute intestinal problems, well-digestible...
dietary veterinary feed with reduced protein and phosphorus content developed for cats with insufficient kidney...
quality and easily digestible veterinary food for cats used in diets pate with chicken meat suitable for cats with a...
complete food for cats composition: meat and animal products (chicken 16%), fish, fish products (4% seafood), meat...
complete food for cats composition: meat and products of animal origin (14% chicken liver), minerals, vitamin D3,...
complete food for kittens, composition: meat and animal products (20% chicken, 8% lamb), minerals, analytical...
complete food for older cats composition: meat and animal products (20% poultry, 6% beef), analytical minerals...
complete food for kittens composition: meat and products of animal origin (20% poultry, 6% beef), minerals analytical...
complete food for kittens, composition: meat and animal products (25% beef, 6% chicken), minerals, analytical...
EXPIRATION 08.10.2023!!! a tender meaty specialty of beef and potatoes with a particularly high proportion of...
a delicate meaty specialty with poultry and pasta with a particularly high proportion of high-quality animal...
complete food for kittens from 4 weeks of age, the soft creamy consistency facilitates the transition from mother's...
complete food for cats, composition: meat and animal products (25% turkey, 8% rabbit), minerals, analytical...
complete cat food composition: meat and animal products (20% beef, 10% lamb, turkey, chicken, rabbit), mineral...
complete food for cats composition: meat and products of animal and plant origin (30% beef, 8% turkey), minerals and...
complete cat food composition: meat and animal products 42% (poultry, pork), fish + fish by-products...
a delicate meaty specialty of poultry and veal with a particularly high proportion of high-quality animal nutrients...
packaging for easy dosing of TRIXIE treats in the tube prevents the tube from being bitten and protects the hand easy...
high-quality pate Von Feinsten CORE with turkey meat, chicken breast and herbs for adult cats of all breeds...
high-quality pate Von Feinsten CORE with beef, chicken breast and herbs for adult cats of all breeds composition: 57...
high-quality pate Von Feinsten CORE with chicken and beef and carrots for adult cats of all breeds composition: 57%...
high-quality pate Von Feinsten CORE with chicken, salmon fillet and spinach for adult cats of all breeds composition:...
high-quality pate Von Feinsten CORE with beef, salmon fillet and spinach for adult cats of all breeds composition: ...
ideal as reward treats, the pâté has an attractive taste and aroma and can be used for easy administration of...
complete food for cats composition: Meat and products of animal origin (61%), sugars, cereals, vitamins, natural dyes...
complete food for cats composition: Meat and products of animal origin (61%), sugars, cereals, vitamins, added dyes...