a treat for cats with chicken breast and catnip content chicken 75% gluten-free formula with 0% added sugar rich in...
Treats for cats to remove and prevent bad breath, dental plaque and tartar. Supplementary feed.
treat - reward for cats with chicken and mackerel meat content 41%, fish content 9% gluten-free recipe 0% added sugar...
treat - reward for cats with chicken meat and catnip meat content 43% gluten-free formula 0% added sugar package...
a small delicate treat or reward for a cat with chicken meat 75%, cheese and taurine gluten-free recipe with 0% added...
a small delicate treat or reward for a cat with taurine, meat content 72%, fish content 20% weight: 50 g Ingredients:...
Revolutionary monoprotein treat, freeze-dried by a slow process (lyophilized) and retains all nutritional values,...
Revolutionary monoprotein treat freeze-dried by a slow process (lyophilized) and preserves all nutritional values,...
Revolutionary treat freeze-dried by a slow process (lyophilized) and preserves all the nutritional values, aroma and...
EXPIRATION: 01/12/2024 Revolutionary monoprotein treat freeze-dried by a slow process (lyophilized) and preserves all...
with tuna and white fish, a tasty treat or reward for cats with a sweet tooth, composition: fish meat 90%, weight: 20 g
with tuna and chicken in a resealable bag, the treat will retain its aroma and taste Composition: tuna 55%, chicken...
treat for cats with duck meat and fish meat content 65%, fish content 20% gluten-free recipe with 0% added sugar rich...
a treat or reward for a cat, bars are individually packaged composition: meat and animal products, fish and...
a treat or reward for a cat, bars are individually packaged composition: meat and products of animal origin (95%,...
a treat for cats with chicken meat content 70% gluten-free recipe with 0% added sugar in a resealable bag weight: 50 ...
extra small pieces with tuna, chicken and catnip a treat or reward for the cat in a resealable bag to keep it soft...
treats in a resealable bag, where they retain their aroma and softness Composition: fish 53% (tuna 35%, cod 18%),...
a tasty and fragrant treat or reward for a cat with tuna and chicken, the treats in a resealable bag retain their...
treat - reward for cats with duck breasts79% gluten-free formula with 0% added sugar in a resealable bag weight: 5...
treat for cats with chicken meat and cheese chicken meat 81% gluten-free formula with 0% added sugar weight: 50 g...
treats for cats with malt supports digestion and eliminates bezoars in the digestive tract weight: 50g Ingredients:...
treat or reward mini bars with chicken meat and rice complementary food for cats without added sugar and cereals...
with chicken in a resealable bag gluten-free composition: chicken 73% weight: 50 g Ingredients: chicken (73%), potato...
treat - reward for cats hearts with duck breast and cod meat content 65%, fish content 18% gluten-free recipe weight:...
rolls with chicken meat and cod easily digestible supplementary food for cats without added sugar and cereals...