Shoes made of dried rawhide with duck breast meat, meat content 59%, rich in protein in a resealable bag, gluten-free...
strips with chicken meat and cheese meat content 81% rich in protein in a resealable bag packaging: 100 g
dog treats rolls with chicken meat and cod chicken content 65%, cod content 18% does not contain gluten 0% added...
dog treats strips with chicken meat and cod chicken content 65%, cod content 18% does not contain gluten 0% added...
a great treat for dogs with fish meat content: 90% (white fish) the product contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids...
dog treat 100% fish cubes, a tasty treat or reward for a dog with a combination of natural omega-3 and omega-6 fatty...
calcium bones wrapped in duck meat, a natural, delicious treat for every dog, gluten-free and no added sugar, meat...
treat for dogs with duck meat and fish meat content 65%, fish content 20% rich in protein in a resealable bag...
treats in the shape of sticks with beef a tasty reward for your dog with no added sugar resealable packaging keeps...
a great treat to supplement your dog's diet, a tasty treat with lamb meat and essential vitamins gives your pet ...
a treat for dogs, a wreath of sausages, air-dried beef meat and tripe, a healthy treat that strengthens your teeth...
dog treat sausage wreath, air-dried with lamb healthy treat to strengthen your dog's teeth and chewing muscles obsa...
dog treat wreath sausage, air-dried with poultry meat treat to strengthen your dog's teeth and chewing muscles meat...
poultry stick-shaped treats a tasty reward for your dog with no added sugar resealable packaging keeps treats...
dog treats in the form of sticks with tripe, a tasty reward for your dog without added sugar, the resealable...
a great treat for your dog with beef vitamins gives your pet energy, strengthens teeth and satisfies dog sweat...
tasty treat with poultry meat 0% added sugar gives your pet energy package contents: 10 pcs weight: 100 g Composition...
Interactive dog treat toy.
Top quality chicken breast - composed of 100% natural meat - with low fat content - with high protein content.