from easily digestible collagen wrapped in chicken meat, weight: 65 g
supplementary food for dogs delicious treat composition: 50% duck meat, 45% buffalo skin, glycerin, sorbitol,...
from easily digestible collagen wrapped in chicken meat, weight: 165 g
supplementary food for dogs delicious treat composition: 90% rabbit meat, rice, peanut protein, vegetable glycerin,...
supplementary food for dogs delicious treat composition: 37% lamb meat, 37% chicken meat, rice flour, peanut...
a treat or reward suitable for training and training a dog complementary food for dogs premium quality without...
Chicken slice, soft meat, motivational treat or reward for your pet can be easily cut into smaller pieces, tempting...
an enticing and tasty reward for any activity, a premium quality motivational treat containing minerals necessary for...
supplementary food for dogs premium quality without cereals and sugar composition: 60% rabbit meat, 34% cod,...
supplementary food for dogs tasty mini treat premium quality without cereals and sugar composition: 85% chicken meat,...
supplementary food for dogs delicious treat composition: 90% beef and skin, glycerin, minerals weight: 80 g
supplementary food for dogs tasty treat composition: 60% duck, 34% salmon, glycerin, minerals weight: 80 g
supplementary food for dogs tasty treat composition: 35% chicken, 30% duck, 25% cod weight: 80 g
supplementary food for dogs tasty treat weight: 80 g composition: 85% chicken meat, glycerin, minerals
tasty reward for small dogs and cats composition: 90% lamb meat, starch, glycerin, sorbitol, vegetable protein...
tasty reward for small dogs and cats composition: 90% salmon, natural Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, starch, glycerin,...
supplementary food for dogs soft meat delicious treat meat content 90% weight: 250 g
soft meat supplementary food for dogs premium quality composition: 90% duck meat, glycerin, sorbitol weight: 250 g
supplementary food for dogs composition: 35% chicken meat, 60% buffalo hide, glycerin, minerals, sorbitol size: 6 cm...
supplementary food for dogs premium quality without grains and sugar composition: 60% rabbit meat, 34% cod, vegetable...
supplementary food for dogs tasty reward meat content 90% weight: 250 g
alluring smell and taste motivational treat or reward, can be easily cut into smaller pieces composition: salmon 87%,...
motivational treat or reward calcium cube mechanically cleans teeth and supports chewing tempting aroma and taste...
balls made of duck meat supplemented with pieces of rice a special treat for your dog rich in protein meat content...
dog treats strips with chicken meat and cod chicken content 65%, cod content 18% does not contain gluten 0% added...