optimally balanced and tasty food for adult dogs aged 1-6 years made of fresh meat and offal - with visible meat...
optimally balanced and tasty food for puppies and growing dogs made of fresh meat and offal - with visible meat...
Complete grain-free wet feed with 100% declared source of animal protein. Beef tongue steak without added ...
Complete grain-free wet feed with 100% declared source of animal protein. With the addition of milk thistle oil...
complete food for adult dogs with one type of meat (single protein) especially suitable for animals suffering from...
Ingredients: beef 59% (lungs, liver, stomach, udder, meat, kidneys), broth, brown rice 5%, minerals, additives...
Ingredients: Chicken 59% (meat, liver, stomach), broth, brown rice 5%, minerals, additives/kg: vitamin D3 240 IU,...
Ingredients: Turkey 58% (meat, heart, liver), stock, potatoes 7%, minerals, additives/kg: vitamin D3 240 IU, E6 zinc...
complete food for adult dogs of all breeds, formula in ultra-premium quality, contains delicious lamb meat as the...
tasty and nutritionally balanced canned food for adult dogs (1-6 years), the only source of animal protein is turkey...
tasty and nutritionally balanced canned food for adult dogs (1–6 years), the only source of animal protein is beef...
tasty and nutritionally balanced canned food for adult dogs (1-6 years old) the only source of animal protein is...
can for adult dogs (1-6 years) tasty, healthy and optimally balanced food with beef as the only source of protein for...
can for adult dogs (1-6 years) tasty, healthy and optimally balanced food with chicken meat as the only source of...
is a complete grain-free food for puppies of all breeds, beef heart is a source of easily digestible and high-quality...
complete grain-free food for puppies of all breeds thanks to veal, this food is a source of easily digestible and...
complete food for puppies of all breeds thanks to the addition of chicken stomachs, the feed is a source of easily...
complete feed for adult dogs of all breeds lamb meat is a source of quality protein, has a higher iron content, is a...
complete cereal-free food for adult dogs of all breeds, beef tripe contains important and necessary vitamins,...
complete food for adult dogs of all breeds, a portion of fish meat adds flavor and aroma to the feed, the canned food...
complete grain-free food, for adult dogs of all breeds, quail meat adds an attractive taste, has few calories, does...
complete food for adult dogs of all breeds chicken heart is a source of copper, iron and zinc spinach is a...
complete cereal-free food for adult dogs of all breeds, in addition to its tempting taste, venison is richer in...
high-quality and tasty canned food for dogs without preservatives, dyes and aromas Ingredients: chicken breast 45%,...
high-quality and tasty canned food for dogs without preservatives, dyes and aromas Ingredients: mackerel 40%, tuna...
high-quality and tasty canned food for dogs without preservatives, dyes and aromas Ingredients: chicken breast 75%,...
complete food for puppies and growing dogs up to 1 year of age, made exclusively from fresh meat, smaller pieces for...
optimally balanced and tasty food for an adult dog aged 1-6 years, made exclusively from fresh meat and excellent...