tasty and nutritionally balanced canned food for adult dogs (1–6 years), the only source of animal protein is obsa...
optimally balanced and tasty food for adult dogs aged 1-6 years made of fresh meat and offal - with visible meat...
optimally balanced and tasty food for an adult dog aged 1-6 years, made exclusively from fresh meat and excellent...
optimally balanced and tasty food for puppies and growing dogs made of fresh meat and offal - with visible meat...
can for adult dogs (1-6 years) tasty, healthy and optimally balanced food with chicken meat as the only source of...
complete cereal-free food for adult dogs of all breeds, beef tripe contains important and necessary vitamins,...
complete food with turkey meat for adult dogs of all breeds turkey meat has a minimum fat content and, compared to...
complete feed with duck meat for adult dogs of all breeds duck meat has three times more iron than chicken and a...
complete food for senior dogs with rabbit meat with increased vitamin content and lower protein and fat content...
tasty and nutritionally balanced canned food for adult dogs (1-6 years old) the only source of animal protein is...
can for adult dogs (1-6 years) tasty, healthy and optimally balanced food with beef as the only source of protein for...
complete food for adult dogs of all breeds chicken heart is a source of copper, iron and zinc spinach is a...
complete cereal-free food for adult dogs of all breeds, a portion of fish meat adds flavor and aroma to the food, the...
complete food for adult dogs of all breeds, quail meat gives a tempting taste, has few calories, does not increase...
complete cereal-free food for adult dogs of all breeds, in addition to its tempting taste, venison is richer in...
complete cereal-free food for adult dogs of all breeds, beef liver is a source of vitamins, zinc, magnesium and...
canned food for adult dogs (1-6 years) tasty, healthy and optimally balanced food with lamb meat as the only source...
can for adult dogs (1-6 years) tasty, healthy and optimally balanced food with lamb as the only source of protein p...
complete food for older dogs from 7 years of age made exclusively from fresh meat and offal, excellent meat flavor...
Ingredients: lamb 65% (meat 30%, liver 13%, stomach 12%, lungs), lamb broth, spinach 5%, minerals, additives/kg...