Sealable bag for treats for dogs with an extra pocket for small items.
Lightweight and durable dog kibble travel bag.
Durable travel bowl for pellets and water.
Protective cover for the rear seats.
Safety harness for a dog in the car tested using crash tests. The seat belt is included in the package.
Safety belt for dogs in the car with a simple fastening mechanism.
Protective cover for the front passenger seat.
An ingenious hammock-style protective car cover that does more than just protect the back seats.
Safety belt for a dog in the car with an ear. To be attached to the seat belt in the vehicle.
Protective covers for vehicle doors.
Protective barrier for the car separating the space of the rear seats.
A pet fountain with a patented free-falling water stream system. Volume 1500 ml.
Harness for dogs with a unique clamping system against pulling. The package includes a leash (1.8 m).
Postroj pro psy s unikátním upínacím systémem proti tahání. Balení včetně vodítka (1,8 m).
Padded harness for dogs with a unique clamping system against pulling, with reflective elements. The package includes...
Padded dog harness for everyday use.